Convenient, seamless
mental health care

Convenient, seamless
mental health care

Product design


Included Health

Design thinking

Interaction design


Product designer

Product designer


~6 months

~6 months


Web, iOS, android

Web, iOS, android


1 product manager, 1 user researcher, 4 engineers, 2 designers

1 product manager, 1 user researcher, 4 engineers, 2 designers

Before: Product at MVP launch

Problem space

When I joined Included Health, I helped the team integrate an MVP set of features that enabled patients to get mental health care virtually.

After landing a foundation, the next ~6 months were about creating an experience that was reliable, consumer-grade, and easy to use.

How might we…

How might we…

create a delightful and accessible mental health care experience?

create a delightful and accessible mental health care experience?


Personas and member journeys

I worked with UX research to expand our personas to capture attitudes towards mental health.

Learning from the mental health journey

We developed a bird's eye view of the journey our patients take towards care, and used that to visualize barriers, pain points, and gain points.


Super easy scheduling

We took the pain out of finding a provider and an appointment. I helped to introduce the calendar element as a design system component.

Smooth appointments

The pre-visit screen served as a reliable and persistent spot to review your appointment and jump into the visit.

The in-visit UI was designed to be immersive, cross-platform, and extendable to urgent and primary care.

Integrated behavioral health assessments

We regularly screened patients for depression and anxiety so that we could measure tangible progress for them. On the provider side, I helped design a feature that would let them monitor and proctor assessments as well.


A highly configurable care platform that members could use on their first log-in, with or without health insurance.

A highly configurable care platform that members could use on their first log-in, with or without health insurance.



Adherence in patient follow-up

Adherence in patient follow-up




average improvement in depression scores

average improvement in depression scores



successful video visits in 6 months

successful video visits in 6 months